Asociacion De Vecinos Las lagunillas

Curro Lopez of Las Lagunillas has contacted us with urgent requests for baby milk and formula to feed an increasing number of families dependent upon their financial support. We will continue to help whenever we are able to do so.


The Las Lagunillas neighbourhood association has been distributing food to needy families in Malaga for over 16 years. Malaga City Council gave them two premises on Calle Poeta Concha Méndez, a space they use as a warehouse and operational center. From there they leave every morning with the van full of non-perishable food and every 15 minutes they make a delivery to the most needy.

Contact Info:

Curro Lopez Tel/ WhatsApp 666 99 93 89

Christmas 2023

RCMG are pleased to give some Christmas support to the Asociación de Vecinos Las Lagunillas in the form of much needed baby supplies for distribution to needy families in their neighbourhood.