Bhavdhara Academy (India)

This was another project which benefited from the money raised by the Bollywood charity event. It received 2930€ to pay the salaries of the teachers.

In addition, the children have received 6 new laptops to help keep them up to date with their IT skills.


This nonprofit organisation in the Palghar District focused on providing excellent education to underprivileged children.

Some of the families migrated away from the area when Covid struck. Others lost their jobs which made it impossible for them to pay the tuition fees of the children.

In turn, this made it very challenging for the Bhavdhara Academy to pay their teachers. Even as Covid receded, the school could not raise the money, so this donation was a lifeline that enabled the school to re-open. It was a more substantial sum in rupees - 240,540 INR.

Contact Info: The school does not have a website, but the Project is mentioned on the RC Mumbai SOBO website