Collective Calling

Having previously donated money towards a van for delivering food in Spain, in the Rotary years 20-22 we focused on supporting the Centre of Hope in Tanzania.


The Club has supported Collective Calling from their early years working in refugee camps. They now work with street children in Tanzania, and with families in poverty in Spain.

Tanzania Mission: Collective Calling provide emergency life-saving intervention for street children and tackle the root causes of poverty that affect children through spiritual and physical aid. They run the Centre of Hope which provides immediate relief from malnutrition, ill health and dangerous situations.

The centre aims to Rescue, Rehabilitate and Reintegrate the children back into society. Many of them have at least one surviving parent but end up on the street through poverty.
A video showing the work of the centre can be seen here:

In 20-21 we gave 500€ and in 21-22 1500€ towards food and accomodation.

Collective Calling Programs

They are child and family focused, and include both practical and spiritual care.