Asociacion Superheroes

Christmas 2020: It was agreed by President Pamela that this years presents donated by club members would be given to the Asociacion Superheroes.


This is a small, locally registered group who work with the Ayuntamiento and Cruz Roja (Red Cross) to bring smiles and happiness to local children suffering with cancer, and also local disadvantaged children. Their motto is One Child One Smile. The Red Cross conducts very thorough checks on the situations of the disadvantaged families before donations of toys etc are given.

This is a rough translation of the Superheroes information leaflet;

Our Mission

To visit children hospitalized with cancer, to make the darkness light that where there is barely hope left, to bring a glimpse of it, to change one small gesture into another one that fills the heart and mind.

Our mission tries to elicit from each child lying in a bed, a smile, a smile that brightens their life if only for a few moments in that environment, because if the children are happy their family and medical staff can be happy with them.

We are simply volunteers dressed up as Super Heroes whose only aim is to make children smile, they are the true super heroes in this situation.

Contact Info:
Facebook; Asociacion Superheroes Un nino Una Sonrisa
Instagram: @spibairon